Monday 3 September 2012

Homeward Bound

Well sadly it is our last post before we leave. We fly out tomorrow via Shanghai and will arrive home 11th. What mixed feelings we have. We have had such a great time but these things can't go on for ever.On the other hand we are so looking forward to seeing everyone, especially the 2 new arrivals, Darcy and Georgia.  Also looking forwad to some lovely Spring weather. It has now decided to give us a few days of lovely sunny weather to remember England by. See you all soon and God bless.

Friday 31 August 2012

Back in London

Shetland Show in the Shetlands

Drum Castle Home of the Scottish Irvines

Beautiful Beach on Papa Stour Shetlands

Another Castle

Lovely Yorkshire Dales
 We have moved fairly fast down through Scotland and England fairly fast to get back to London in time to clean up the van ready for our flight on Tuesday. Had 3 days with good friends in Glasgow including one day at Edinburgh for the festival. Missed out on the Edinburgh Tatoo this time.Will have to settle for the TV version when we come home.We also spent a couple of days in Stratford Upon Avon and went ot a Shasespeare play." Little to do about nothing" to put it in modern English.  We enjoyed it but it did live up to its name quite well. We are currently at Epsom just out of London spending a couple of days with very good friends, saying our good byes. All in all, we have had a fantastic 4 months. Can't believe it is almost over. Wow! That time went quick. Looking forward to the lovely spring weather and seeing everyone. Just a few of our last photos. Thought we'd lost the lot with a computer breakdown but all is well.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

THe Shetland Islands

Some of  many standing stones

Italian Chapel built by prisoners of war 1945

Skara Brae-5000 year old village uncovered by sandstorm

Ecco house with turf roof on Island of Hoy
We were so sorry to leave the Orkneys. We had a great time there and find the Shetlands very different. There are 22000 people here because of the oil and we can travel to all of the surrounding islands for 10 pound return. The scenery here is dramatic compared with the agricultural land in the Orkneys and some of the cliff walks are pretty treacherous especially with the wind we are having today. We went to see the Gannets nesting on the rocks this morning and the rocks are just covered in white birds, thousands of them. The weather is overcast today but we have had a couple of beautiful days, the best since the start of the holidays. The seas on the ferry crossing were rough today. We  have been to the far north of the Shetlands so now we can only go south.  Had a great day at church with the Church of Scotland (only church available) but really pleasant people.  We missed seeing the northern lights called the Aurora Borealis. They say it occurs more often in the cold nights but we did see a magnificent sunrise which did light up the sky. Only 3 weeks today before we fly out to Shanghai on our way home and 4 weeks and we'll be back on Australian soil.. Oh for a decent haircut.

Saturday 4 August 2012

The Orkneys

Plane landing on Barra beach

Shoreline at Outer Hebrides

Wild flowers on Hebrides

Scene from ur campsite

Eat your heart out Bondi
There is a real problem with network in this part of the world. We are now in the Orkneys , arrived Thursday and will be here until next Thursday before we sail off for he Shetland Islands. I love this place as I did last time I was here. The archeology finds are just continuing all the time and there is a lot more to be seen. The Catherdral here has tombstones from 1500's and we seen a wedding here yesterday. Haven't downloaded pictures as yet. We saw photos of 5000 year old skulls found in a burial chamber and lots of artifacts recovered from the chamber. We also climbed inside it, a bit claustaphobic. The people here are very much like they are at home and sometimes we have to pinch ourselves to remember where we are. The plane on the beach at Barra is landing on its airport. The plane comes in when the tides are out. It has a surface like tiny shells compacted down. We are on count down now and only have one month today before we fly out to Shanghai.  Midgies are not so bad this time, but the weather remains a bit on the wet/overcast side and photos can still be a bit dull. Hoping to get a haircut today. Wer haver found a pentecostal church in Orkneys to go to tomorrow. We have had some very varied church services I muxt say. Hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to seeing you all again. Very mixed feelings as we are enjoying ourselves so much We could easy stay on longer oif it wasn't for our commitments and doggies. Till next time. Love you all

Thursday 19 July 2012


Scottish band at Highland games Inverary

Band at Ulverston Street festival

Beautiful begonias in the streets of Oban

Brian at Seil Island

Throwing the something at scottish games
 All is well with the Roaming Steads. We may be off air for couple of weeks as we are off to the Outer Hebrides tomorrow. It is a 6 hour ferry trip right through the sounds of the other inner islands and then across the Atlantic. They are fairly remote islands so not sure what the coverage will be. Had a nice few sunny days since leaving Ireland. That place sure can rain. Conwy on the northern tip of Wales was my favourite town so far even though it poured raining all day. We had a day at the Highland Games at Inverary and thoroughly enjoyed that. Today we are in Oban on the very West coast of Scotland and it is also a beautiful town. The roundabouts are overflowing wioth tuberous begonias and they make a spectacular show. Hoping for a few nice walks over at the Outer Hebrides and also to get away from thje maddening crowd just a little. Bye until next post

Monday 9 July 2012

The End of Ireland

Little horse waiting for his apple

Kyelmore Abbey

Church at Kyelmore Abbey

 We are still in Ireland but I have at last mastered the Wireless connection. Tonight we are at Newgrange historic sight only a few miles from Dublin, apparently around 5000BC.. We have had a few days of sunshine but it is raining again today. Apparently been just as wet in UK so not sure what we are in to back ther. Leaving here on Wednesday night. We have been able to read wiothout lights until nearly 11pm. Certainly saves the electricity Houses have dropped up to 50% in price over here and people everywhere living in poverty, apparently 1.8 million only have 25 euros a week to live on once their bills are paid and 50% of people borrowing money just to pay their bills.They are saying even nurses may nto be paid after November. Seems hard to believe. Can't get much worse. The little horse I fell in love wioth at our campsite and hated leaving him as he had no mates and was really neglected. ouldn't take him with me unfortunately

Tuesday 26 June 2012

All is well in Ireland except for the internet reception so unable to send any photos from the library. Just finished on the Beare Peninsular and a long walk on Dursey Island yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful with such a range of scenery, some of the best in Ireland. Arouind every bend was something different to 1100AD monasteries, to deserted villages, stoney mountains, and beautiful water views. Besides all that we had to get there by cable car, 250 metres above the sea, the same cable car they take sheep and cattle across in. Prices are farily expensive here but we made up for it with cheap prices in England. Managing to find a nice church each Sunday. Making towards the Ring of Kerry over the next few days. God bless and stay safe all of you.

Sunday 17 June 2012

A little foal especially for Eden

A scene on a walk

Our van in one of our camps

This house is for Jean
   Well we've had so many days away from decent reception we have been unable to publish a new post. We decided not to go any further to Cornwall and started travelling north to the Devon and Somerset coast. Spent a few days around Minehead and Lynton which were delightful little villages and then went towards Wells, a city that we were told we musn't miss. On the way we had trouble with the van, a CV joint so have spent the last two days aroung the area waiting for it to be fixed on Monday. This gave us a day exploring Cheddar which was really geat and a day in the town of Street which has a huge factory outlet called the Clarke Village. It took us all day to go through the shops and then hardly touched the surface, a shoppers dream and a man's nightmare Ha ha

Friday 8 June 2012

Pictures above from my favourite place in Uk Stourhead

Beautiful Isle of Wight

Greek obilisk at Stourhead
It was such a sad day to leave the Isle of Wight. It has everything there. So much to see and so much to do. We could have stayed for a month. We included a visit to Luccombe village as some of you know where Uncle Des White got his farm name from It is a lovely little village, fairly rich area with lots of lovely big homes.  Don't know actually if this is where he came from or whether he was perhaps fostered here to a family when he was orphaned. Robyn might know the answe We arrived back on the mainland on Tuesday night and have since been travelling around the north of Somerset, GGreat grandfather Ree's territory and are now making our way down to Devon and Cornwall. We spent two nights at my very favourite spot in uk  (Stourhead).  Been on some beautiful walks over the last few weeks but the most dramatic was this morning when Brian lost us in the bush. ( Has no sense of direction that boy). Fortuately you don't get lost for very long in the uk as it isn't long before you come to a little village even though my feet were blistered and we were happy to accept a lift back to our van

Monday 28 May 2012


Well the day at Chelsea is over. Wow, what a day.If you are a gardener and you haven't been to Chelsea flower show then you haven't lived. What an exhibition. Something we will never forget. The following day we spent the day at Richmond Park with our friends Christine and Brian. Can you imagine 2,360 acres only 10 miles from London where you can actually see St. Pauls cathedral.and at the same time watch the deer feeding within metres of our picnic table. We are sad to leave our friends but the trip must go on. We are walking on the Isle of Wight today in 25 degrees heat but they say it won't last and promising wet conditions tomorrow

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Stone throw to London

The hotel where our smuggling ancestors kept lookout

Beautiful Canterbury

This board marks gravestone of our smuggling relatives hung around 1800

Entrance to Canterbury Cathedral
 Had a great time on Kent Coast, Ramsgate, Deal, and the beautiful white cliffs of Dover. Spenttt few days going over all the ancestors territory in Aldington, Hythe and Marden. Any gravestones we found 15 years ago have now been eroded and can't be clearly identified. Have had some great parks right on the seafront. We are now headed for Epsom where we'll spend a few days with Brians friends while we attend the Chelsea flowere show and then we'll be off to the Isle of Wight. The first week we went to church at St. Michaels at Tenterden, had a short 15 minute service and then walked with the church people through the paddock to complete the rest of the service at St. Mildreds. This week  we had a great time at the Living Well chuirch near Dover.

Friday 18 May 2012

Alls well in Kent

Spent 2 days roaming around Canterbury. We could really be there a week, so much to see. Moved on to Ramsgate and Sandwich. Sandwich is so old , house and hotels built in 12th century.They have also lost industry to overseas losing 3000 jobs in a very small town. We are now in Deal which is also very old. Still cold and wet. Looking for few better days to take some photos.Having a great time. Booked for home 12th September.

Monday 14 May 2012

Had to say good bye to our good friends Fred & Phyllis in Kent this morning to keep moving on. We arrived at canterbury and had a quick look around the town but couldn't do it justice in the time we had so have moved along  to our camp for the night and we'll go back early tomorrow. Expensive for parking, petrol and entry to Canterbury Cathedral but all up food is very cheap so not all bad money wise. Had two lovely sunny days and now raining again.. Spent two days siteseeing around Kent including a trip to Bodium Castle and Sissinghurst Gardens. (right)

Friday 11 May 2012

What a life. Beautiful sunny day. Somebody has to do it.Off to Bodium Castle in Kent today and hopefully able to start getting some good photos now the sunshine has appeared. The van is going really well and we are really pleased with it. Getting the jist of this blogspot now. Only just have to find out how to put photos on. Take care all of you. Dawn & Brian xxxx

Monday 7 May 2012

Up and going at

Well we've arrived. Had a great overnight stay in Beijing but have had trouble connecting as someone left laptop charger at home "brig ht boy" Now it all has to be charged with car charger. We picked up the van at Ipswich and headed for Dorset as we are still having trouble insuring the van. Then to make matters worse it ended up being a public holiday weekend. So we've spent the weekend doing tourist things on foot. Thanks to new friends Margaret and Reg who accomodated us on our first night when we nfelt a bitr lost. It's been wet most days and cold at night. Alls good and hope to get som.e pictures up soon.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Before picture

Just so you'll know what we looked like before we left. Taken 21/4/2012 at Beth Ann and Nathan Overton's wedding in Tasmania

Sunday 8 April 2012

Getting close

It's only 3 weeks away. On 1st May 9pm we fly out of Sydney with Air China Yippee!