Monday 7 May 2012

Up and going at

Well we've arrived. Had a great overnight stay in Beijing but have had trouble connecting as someone left laptop charger at home "brig ht boy" Now it all has to be charged with car charger. We picked up the van at Ipswich and headed for Dorset as we are still having trouble insuring the van. Then to make matters worse it ended up being a public holiday weekend. So we've spent the weekend doing tourist things on foot. Thanks to new friends Margaret and Reg who accomodated us on our first night when we nfelt a bitr lost. It's been wet most days and cold at night. Alls good and hope to get som.e pictures up soon.


  1. So pleased to hear you made it safe. The weather here is warm at the moment. Look forward to seeing photos. love Denise and Barry xoxox

  2. Insurance on the van all up and going and we are well on our way. Now spending time at Tenterden with old friens Fred & Phyllis. Great to see them again after 15 years. Spending few days looking at local sights. Went to beautiful Rye for the day yesterday. Countryside beautiful and green with quaint villages and lovely old churches going back to 15th century so far. Cream teas a delicacy(coltted cream with jam on scones. Has been too wet for any really good photos but today is lovely and sunny. Managed a couple of good walks over the downs. xxxx
