Tuesday 26 June 2012

All is well in Ireland except for the internet reception so unable to send any photos from the library. Just finished on the Beare Peninsular and a long walk on Dursey Island yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful with such a range of scenery, some of the best in Ireland. Arouind every bend was something different to 1100AD monasteries, to deserted villages, stoney mountains, and beautiful water views. Besides all that we had to get there by cable car, 250 metres above the sea, the same cable car they take sheep and cattle across in. Prices are farily expensive here but we made up for it with cheap prices in England. Managing to find a nice church each Sunday. Making towards the Ring of Kerry over the next few days. God bless and stay safe all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Saw Micheele at church and she sends her love. Shows the postcards to her all at church. They all say hello. All is well with us. July here already, time is flying.Really good to get all of your Blogs. We miss you. sending our love... Denise and Barry.
