Tuesday 26 June 2012

All is well in Ireland except for the internet reception so unable to send any photos from the library. Just finished on the Beare Peninsular and a long walk on Dursey Island yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful with such a range of scenery, some of the best in Ireland. Arouind every bend was something different to 1100AD monasteries, to deserted villages, stoney mountains, and beautiful water views. Besides all that we had to get there by cable car, 250 metres above the sea, the same cable car they take sheep and cattle across in. Prices are farily expensive here but we made up for it with cheap prices in England. Managing to find a nice church each Sunday. Making towards the Ring of Kerry over the next few days. God bless and stay safe all of you.

Sunday 17 June 2012

A little foal especially for Eden

A scene on a walk

Our van in one of our camps

This house is for Jean
   Well we've had so many days away from decent reception we have been unable to publish a new post. We decided not to go any further to Cornwall and started travelling north to the Devon and Somerset coast. Spent a few days around Minehead and Lynton which were delightful little villages and then went towards Wells, a city that we were told we musn't miss. On the way we had trouble with the van, a CV joint so have spent the last two days aroung the area waiting for it to be fixed on Monday. This gave us a day exploring Cheddar which was really geat and a day in the town of Street which has a huge factory outlet called the Clarke Village. It took us all day to go through the shops and then hardly touched the surface, a shoppers dream and a man's nightmare Ha ha

Friday 8 June 2012

Pictures above from my favourite place in Uk Stourhead

Beautiful Isle of Wight

Greek obilisk at Stourhead
It was such a sad day to leave the Isle of Wight. It has everything there. So much to see and so much to do. We could have stayed for a month. We included a visit to Luccombe village as some of you know where Uncle Des White got his farm name from It is a lovely little village, fairly rich area with lots of lovely big homes.  Don't know actually if this is where he came from or whether he was perhaps fostered here to a family when he was orphaned. Robyn might know the answe We arrived back on the mainland on Tuesday night and have since been travelling around the north of Somerset, GGreat grandfather Ree's territory and are now making our way down to Devon and Cornwall. We spent two nights at my very favourite spot in uk  (Stourhead).  Been on some beautiful walks over the last few weeks but the most dramatic was this morning when Brian lost us in the bush. ( Has no sense of direction that boy). Fortuately you don't get lost for very long in the uk as it isn't long before you come to a little village even though my feet were blistered and we were happy to accept a lift back to our van