Sunday 2 June 2013


WE are having unbelievable trouble with out blogspot this time. First of all lost many of our photos due to a computer crash and then everytime we go into blog it is in Norwegian or dutch or something else. We are now on our way to the Lofoten Islands on West coast of norway. Things here are unbelievably expensive. They say wages are high but i think ther government has them all brainwashed as the prices don't seem to match up with wages. We have been through hundreds (no exaggeration) of tunnels, some of them 7-8 kilometres long. Also have been on many ferries, which all cost an arm and a leg. Petrol is also like $2.50 a litre. The things in the grocery stores are only of one type such as lemonade, coke etc, no other brands so a huge monopoly on most things. There are no cheap supermarkets allowed in and even a hamburger at McDonalds is over $15. Eating out is just not on. We are so lucky to have the van because free camping helps average it out. Having said all that Norway must have to be the most beautiful in the world. The scenery is something else. We will come down south again through Finland to see different sights and yes to get it a bit cheaper. Finland is in the EU. Van is going well except for two flat tyres in 2 days. The roads are fantastic so can't really blame that. Hope all is well with all at home. God bless