Sunday 21 April 2013


Well this blog is a long time coming and guess you are all getting impatient. We arrived London and then went down to Kent to pick up our van. It was in great shape after weeks of snow. We went over to our favourite garage in Wells to have a tune up etc before we took off. We have been up to Wales where we picked up our inflatable canoe and then made our way down through beautiful Wales via Somerset, Devon and are now in Cornwall. We had 3 days where it snowed but have had some nice sunny weather over the last few days. We had to get some oars for our canoe and are now looking for a nice safe spot to try it out. No white rapids (not these white rap;ids anyway).Cornwall has beautiful coastline but is not my favourite spot in UK./ Can't go past Kent where my anscestors come from. They knew what they were doing. Ha ha Went to church this morning at Pentecostal type Church of England. Well sort of Pentecostal. Hope to popst again before we go  to Holland on 9/5. Until then byeand God bless.

Not another Castle!!

Bit of old England

One of our camps

Nice little bridge opn our walk

Guess who??????????